The 11th Annual Screenwriting Challenge is a competition open to screenwriters around the world. There are 3 rounds of competition. In the 1st Round (May 2-10), writers are placed randomly in heats and are assigned a genre, subject, and character assignment (see examples of past assignments here). Writers have 8 days to write an original short screenplay no longer than 12 pages. The judges choose a top 5 in each heat to advance to the 2nd Round (June 26-June 29) where writers receive new assignments, only this time they have just 3 days to write an 8 page (maximum) short screenplay. Judges choose a top 25 from the 2nd Round to advance to the 3rd and final round of the competition where writers are challenged to write a 5 page (maximum) screenplay in just 24 hours (July 25-26). A panel of judges review the final round stories and overall winners are selected. Sound like fun? Join the competition below...
It's easy to register. First, download the Official Rules & Participation Agreement. Once you read, understand, and agree to the terms, you are ready to register by clicking here. The entry fee is US$39* until the Early Entry Deadline of April 3, 2014 and then US$49* until the Final Entry Deadline of May 1, 2014.
*Get $5 off the entry fee just for posting to twitter or facebook! Click here to post and receive $5 off the entry fee.
Early Entry Deadline April 3, 2014 Final Entry Deadline May 1, 2014 1st Round May 2-10, 2014 2nd Round June 26-29, 2014 3rd Round July 25-26, 2014